How can I grow my beard thicker?

Before we get into all the details of how to grow a beard, let’s knock out some common terminology that will help in your journey. To begin, a beard is facial hair on the cheeks, neck, chin, and upper lip. When most people hear the word “beard” they think of a full beard that is generally longer than 1/2”. That thought process considers a beard a specific facial hair style, whereas the word "beard" could also be a general term like the term “facial hair.” So, you really have a beard if you have any facial hair - from scruff to sideburns, and of course, the full beard. There are also a few terms we gotta clarify before we dive into this beard growing business. A yeard is a beard that has grown untrimmed for an entire year. Similarly, a tweard is one that has grown for twice that amount of time. The terminal beard is the granddaddy of them all, signifying a man mane that has hit its critical mass and seemingly stopped growing because of split ends forming or hair simply shedding.


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